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The town offers several options for convenient payment.


Pre-Authorized Debit Plan (PAD)

Step 1 Pay the current invoice you have received by your normal method of payment.

Step 2 Fill in the PAD application form – click here, or you may also pick up a form at Town Hall or call us at (506) 849-5778 to have the form sent to you.

Step 3 Return your application along with a void cheque or bank form. We will start withdrawing payments for the next quarterly invoices.

Online Banking

The town is set up with all banks to accept payment directly from a customer. You only need to add the town to any companies you are currently paying online. The following is a list of banks with the specific name they are using. Doing a search to add a new payee will locate it. You can also pay via telephone banking with your bank if you do not have online access.


Company Name


Quispamsis, Town of – Utility


Quispamsis Utilities


Quispamsis Utilities

Credit Union (Telpay)

Quispamsis Utility, Town of

National Bank



Quispamsis (Town of) – Utility

TD Canada Trust

Quispamsis (Town of) Utilities

Mail or payment at Town Hall

You may send cheques to Town Hall or pay at the front counter with cash, cheque, debit or credit card. For more information, please call Town Hall at (506) 849-5778.

Sewer and Water Payments

Utility customers are billed on a quarterly basis. Sewer charges are fixed, while water charges contain a fixed component, as well as a usage component based on a water meter reading. Any utility account remaining unpaid after the due date will incur an interest charge of 1.5 per cent, which is added to the outstanding amount.

Email Notification

You can receive your water and sewer bill by email. Send an email to [email protected] and provide your name, civic address and account number to sign up.

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