Sewer Rates
The cost of financing, operating, and maintaining the sewerage works is raised annually through a user charge. This is referred to in the Sewerage By-Law No. 005, Section 8, as a “dwelling unit user fee.” Refer to the Sewerage By-Law No. 005, Section 8, for more details on sewer rates.
Rates for locations not considered to be single residential units – schools, seniors’ residences, commercial businesses, places of worship, etc. – may be calculated differently using the single residential unit user fee as a basis. For example, in the case of a school, “a sum equal to one dwelling unit user fee for each fifteen (15) students, teachers and other employees or portion thereof.”
Fees are collected in quarterly installments on February 14, May 14, August 14 and November 14 in the current calendar year. A $10 discount is available if full payment is received by February 14 of the current calendar year.
- Sewer Connection Permit: Residential Zone, $750; All other Zones, $1,500
- In 2025, the user fee for a single residential unit is $577.
- In locations where the Town has installed an individual sewerage lift station and service connection, the user fee is $807.80 (or $577 x 1.4).